Japanese Audiophile Takes Power Conditioning To A New Level

Japanese Audiophile Takes Power Conditioning To A New Level

A Japanese audiophile has had an electricity pole installed in his backyard to improve the sound of his records.In the ultimate quest for audio purity,an 82 year old retired lawyer has become a contender for the world's most dedicated audiophile.He has been nicknamed "The Rock Grandpa" by his local record store.He spent $10,000 to plant a 40 feet high power pole in his garden that he has connected to the power grid to give him his own source of "pure power".

According to "The Rock Grandpa",having your own power source eliminates electrical interference that comes from sharing a public power pole.He says:"Electricity is like blood.If it is tainted,the whole body will get sick.No matter how expensive the audio equipment is,it will be no good if the blood is bad.

Aparently,this is a growing trend with Japanese audiophiles.The company that installed this power pole says that it has 40 more across Japan over the last 10 years.

16th Aug 2016

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